At the first bend, you find a window looking down the big cave with pipes and scaffoldings. More or less in front of you - even though you can't see it - there’s the locked door you found on the upper level of the scaffolds.
The corridor makes some bends and goes uphill, ending up in a circular room with a walkway going around a tank full of fresh water!
On a wall, you find a two-position lever. Look at the symbols: they indicate “lever locked” and “lever unlocked”. Pull the lever to the unlock position to free the levers on the scaffoldings.
Proceed around this ledge walkway to find a door. Unlock it to open the passage to the big pipe cave and the upper scaffolding.
Now all the corridors are explored and you can walk them at will.
Now you must decide what you wish to do with the water in the tank.
This water comes from an underground spring. The D’ni built the tank to collect the water and to divert it alternately toward the city or the mine, as needed. You already know that water flows through the upper pipe, but it doesn’t reach the Dragon Mine.
So it looks like the pipe has been broken not only at the mine, but also somewhere along the line, in the desert. In the definitive completed Adrael, you’ll have some hint about this but, at the moment, you must again take our word for it.
Anyway, if the aqueduct to the mine is broken, then perhaps you can activate the lower one, the one bringing water to the city...
Reach the upper scaffolding and just try the upper lever. Even if you have already unlocked it, you find the lever’s out of order.
Descend to the lower scaffolding and try the lower lever.
The lower valve opens and the fan inside the porthole starts spinning.
Climb back to the upper scaffolding, and notice that the fan inside the porthole is now still. Return to the tank, to see the water went down to the bottom. Success! Well, apparently.
Let’s check on the results. Link to the DRA Office, then link to the Aquarium. You can wait here as long as you like, but the water doesn’t arrive in the pool. Looks like the pipes are broken somewhere in the desert, and this aqueduct is just as worthless as the one leading to the mine.
So the water is wasted in both aqueducts. But think of what Irena has said, think of what the Spirit was trying to tell her, what it was trying to impart in its mysterious video. What if the water was returned to its ancient riverbed? It would flow again in the dried creek below the bridge on the ledge, near the dead tree’s root...