- I’m stuck! I’ve seen two dead-ends so far: the immovable decorated iron panel in the lower channel, and the locked door at the top of the scaffolding. How do I open them?
To proceed with exploration, you must find a new path in the underground maze.
- Thanks! I knew that! Give me a clue!
Standing at nexus device five - the one in the room behind the center door in the room with three doors - turn back toward the door and look up.
What do you see?
- A ladder! Bolted to the back of the door! But I can’t reach it!
You need to close the door to reach it.
- But I can only do that from the other side of the door, and then the room will be closed!
Right, but even with the door closed, you can return to the side with the ladder by doing the following:
Bookmark nexus device number five, then return to the diamond-shaped room and open the right or left door, thereby closing the middle one.
Return to the DRA Office using another nexus device, or from your Relto.
Then link back to Adrael, using the bookmark page of the Adrael book: the page with the oval tree symbol.
You’ll find yourself back beside the nexus device number five.
Climb the ladder on the back of the door, turn around and proceed on.