Adrael Official Walkthrough


On a ledge at the back left of the first area is Irena's final letter. Read it.
Proceed up a narrow passage and reach a big, natural cave, completely different from the artificial corridors already explored.

Cross over a deep gulch on a stone bridge, the cave becomes even larger. Again, a great deal is missing from this area in the incomplete version currently available.

For now, continue toward the far end of the Spirit's cave, where the sound of a linking is clearly heard.

Irena appears and gives a short speech. Once she links out, you can walk to a final room where a stone tree form enshrines a floating book that can be read while listening to Adrael's ending theme song.


Though you have completed Adrael, return to the cliff each day. For each of the next several days, leaves will gradually return to the tree as it comes alive again!

A few additional things you may want to try in Adrael, if you have multiple explorers:
- When the solar panels are first deployed, explorers outside on the cliff ledge can watch them open.
- When the lever is pulled to open and close the lower pipe, explorers in the tank room can watch the water level drop and raise back again.
- When the lower pipe lever is set to divert water to the creek, explorers out on the cliff ledge can watch the water rush out to fill the dry creek.


We hope this walkthrough is helpful for people that haven't yet played Adrael. And for the ones who have already played it, we hope it helps you to better understand its story.

We don't want to claim that the eventual, complete Adrael will be perfect when released, but only that the present, incomplete version is not what it was meant to be, what we envisioned and tried our best to create. We continue to work to improve the details, the texturing and lighting in these Ages, but we also ask for your patience and your understanding that this is a spare-time project.

When the completed Adrael is released, please play it again!